About Us


Welcome to Little Ollybobs, where we believe in creating calm amidst the chaos for children and young adults. We know first-hand the struggles that some young children experience when faced with an environment they are unfamiliar with.

Our own little boy struggles with this but also hates certain noises like hand dryers or hoovers. Our first option when discovering this was to look at ways to make him feel more comfortable and safe. We came across noise cancelling headphones and it proved a game changer for us as a family. Our boy now knows that wearing these headphones makes him feel safe and comfortable.

We now want this feeling to be passed on to other children and parents who are experiencing the same struggles we did when first discovering our little boy's needs.  

Our mission is to provide innovative solutions that cater to these requirements, offering comfort and tranquillity in a world that's often too loud. Whether it's helping a child concentrate better in school, easing the stress of daily commutes, or providing a quiet space for young adults to unwind, our products are tailored to support and improve their daily experiences.

We take pride in our community and strive to be more than just a brand. We are a family that cares deeply about creating inclusive, supportive environments. Join us on our journey to make the world a little quieter, one pair of headphones at a time.

Thank you for choosing Little Ollybobs, where every sound is a gentle whisper.